Experts in mis-sold IVA claims

About Us

MSIVA is headed up by Ian Davey MIPA AABRP. He has been working in the insolvency field since 1988, thus he has a vast knowledge and experience of dealing with all forms of insolvency.

He became increasingly concerned with incidents where an individual was advised to enter in to an Individual Voluntary Arrangement when it was clear an IVA was inappropriate and other procedures were available to assist individuals facing a debt crisis.

Since 2010 the number of individuals entering into IVA’s have risen from an annual figure of 50,693 to 81,199 and this has been driven in part by sophisticated marketing agencies targeting individuals mainly for their own commercial gain and pressurising them to take out expensive IVA’s. These practices were highlighted in a government requested report on the state of the Individual Voluntary Arrangement market. The IVA government review report is available to view here.

MSIVA are driven to assist clients in difficult circumstances who feel they were mis sold the idea an IVA was right for them. Our team share the same ethos and we look to seek compensation via our third- party legal team for individuals who have been mis sold an IVA.

Our combined teams have a vast amount of skills to investigate individual complaints diligently and to bring those complaints to a successful conclusion.

All IVAs are initially reviewed on a free basis and we aim to inform individuals.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you feel we can assist you.

How we assist you

  • We are a specialist firm with over 30 years’ experience in insolvency.
  • We are dedicated to assisting our clients.
  • We have already reviewed a number of IVA documents where there were serious concerns.
  • We can review your IVA and documentation for FREE.
  • If appropriate we can arrange to connect you with a lawyer with specialists’ knowledge of bringing this sort of claims.
  • We can assist you to obtain a copy of your proposals from your Supervisor.

What we will do for you

  • Review your IVA circumstances for free.
  • Provide you with our recommendations.
  • Look to connect you to lawyers to take matters forward.
  • The lawyers may pursue a claim against the Supervisor for you.
  • The lawyers may look to recover monies paid to your IVA for you.
  • We can contact you for a free initial consultation.

There are many other circumstances where an IVA may not be the most appropriate route and we would be happy to discuss individual circumstances.

For your no obligation
FREE IVA review!

784 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH7 6DD. MSIVA is a trading style of Ravine Capital Ltd. Company Number 08776364. ICO number ZA218930. VAT number 349 2655 71.

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